To join the Marine Corps League as a regular member, you must have served in the United States Marine Corps or as an FMF Corpsmen or FMF Navy Chaplain for more than 90 days, and the character of your service has been honorable, and if discharged, you are in receipt of an honorable discharge, and be willing to provide proof of service upon request.
To become an Associate Member of the Marine Corps League, you must support the aims and ideals of the Marine Corps League. Dues for Associate Members are the same as that of a Regular Member.
How to Join
Just fill out the Online Membership Application or if you choose, just download the fillable PDF version of our Membership Application, fill it out and mail to the Detachment, along with your membership fees.
1 Year Annual Membership $40.00 (New) $36.00 (Renewal)
1 Year Annual Membership (Active Duty) $20.00 (New) $15.00 (Renewal)
Life Membership
Up to Age 35 $500.00
36-50 $400.00
51-60 $300.00
61 and older $200.00
All Memberships include a subscription to SEMPER FI
(The Magazine of the Marine Corps League)
Completed applications can be sent to:
Johnston County Marine Corps League
PO Box 82
Clayton, NC 92528-0082
Contact Us via Email ( If you have any questions or require additional information about the Marine Corps League.